Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Thursday 18/11/2010

So we woke up in our car park situated on the beach and after a quick bite to eat we headed up the coast to a beach called “Hot water beach”. As the name suggests the beach consists of sand and water, however when you dig a hole in the sand the hole fills up with hot water due to something to something volcanic. When I say hot I don’t just mean warm I mean boil some eggs hot, its incredible. Once we were finished with the “Hot water beach” we headed over to another local beach called “Cathedral Cove”. “Cathedral Cove” is famous due to it being similar looking to an entrance to a cathedral and was also featured in the film “Narnia”. This I wasn’t aware of until Rowe recognised it and swore it was from the film. He later googled it and was so happy to have been right, his little face lit up with joy.

After visiting the local attractions we headed back to our car park to the proceed to jump off a small bridge before returning for a spot of tea and our nightly ritual of a film in the car on one of the laptop’s. As we were just about to settle down for the film we got talking to a local couple that were walking their American pit-bull. They were really entertaining and he even gave us like four bourbon and cola’s (Woodstock). The sunset was incredible that night and it was a nice way to spend our final night in the bay of plenty.

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