So after a very late night of correcting our mistakes and sorting out a new country to visit we didn't dare risk missing another flight so decided we would spend the day hovering around the hostel waiting for our airport shuttle which we had booked to arrive 2 hours prior to the recommended arrival time (just in case).
Upon arrival we sailed through check-in apart from a slight error with us not having an outbound flight from Fiji booked meaning we had to purchase an outbound flight at the airport pronto but apart from being shattered everything was all good.
We then boarded the plane which due to a lack of sleep turned out to be one of the best flights I have ever been on. It basically consisted of me getting in my seat, take off, a couple of beers courtesy of Air Pacific, a meal courtesy of Air Pacific followed by a coffee and then bed. To then wake up 10 hours later for a coffee and Breakfast again courtesy of Air pacific. Job done.
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